17 Sep How to Calibrate the Timing Mark Sensor on Your Afinia L801 Printer
Are you experiencing issues with the timing marks on your labels? If you’re using the Afinia L801 Printer, a quick calibration of the timing mark sensor can make all the difference! Whether you’re dealing with misaligned labels or inconsistent prints, this step-by-step guide will help you fine-tune your L801 printer for perfect results every time.
Step 1: Power Up and Connect
Before diving into the calibration process, make sure your Afinia L801 Printer is powered on and properly connected to your computer. A stable connection is crucial for smooth operation.
Step 2: Open the Afinia L801 Label Printer Toolbox
Once everything is set up, open the Afinia L801 Label Printer Toolbox software on your computer. This handy tool is your gateway to all the essential settings.
1.Find your L801 printer from the list of devices.
2.Click on it to select.
Step 3: Log In to the Printer Toolbox
To access advanced settings, you’ll need to log in:
1.Head over to the Login tab.
2.Enter the default password, which is 123 (unless you’ve changed it).
Step 4: Navigate to the Diagnostics Tab
Now, it’s time to get into the nuts and bolts of calibration:
1. Go to the Diagnostics tab.
2. Ensure your labels are properly loaded in the printer.
3. Set the labels section to Blackmark mode and click Submit.
Step 5: Adjust the Sensor Threshold Values
Next, let’s set up the sensor threshold:
1. Under the Sensor Threshold Values section, select Blackmark.
2. Set the size to match either the size of your label or the distance between the start of one timing mark to the start of the next.
3. Hit Submit to apply the changes.
Step 6: Run a Calibration Test
Now it’s time for a test run to see how well the printer detects the timing marks:
1. Click the Test button.
2. Wait for the software to populate a series of numbers. These numbers represent the sensor’s readings as it detects the timing marks on your labels.
Step 7: Analyze the Graph
After the test, switch over to the Graph tab to visually analyze the sensor readings:
1. The graph should display peaks and valleys, which indicate how the sensor reads the timing marks.
2. Hover over the peaks with your mouse. You should see values that represent the sensor readings.
3. Your goal is to select a value that is well above the valleys. For example, if the valleys are between 25-52, you might choose a range from 60 to 165.
Step 8: Fine-Tune the Sensor Threshold
If the valleys in your graph are not below a value of 50, it’s time for a manual adjustment:
1. Go back to the Override Sensor Threshold section.
2. Check the box to enable manual entry.
3. Enter a value that is comfortably above the valleys—like 100 or more. This ensures that the sensor only detects timing marks when the readings are well above the “noise” level.
Step 9: Finish Up!
And that’s it! You’ve successfully calibrated the timing mark sensor on your Afinia L801 Printer. With these settings, your printer will now accurately detect timing marks, resulting in perfectly aligned and consistent prints.
Final Thoughts
Proper calibration of your Afinia L801 Printer’s timing mark sensor is a critical step for anyone looking to achieve professional-quality label printing. It might seem a bit technical, but following these steps ensures your labels are always printed exactly as you envision them. Happy printing!